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Archived Webcast Information

Amanda Randall
Assessing Social Abilities of Individuals with ASD
This webcast will discuss a resource used to assess the social abilities of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). A video demonstration of the assessment with young adults and their parents will be provided.
Amanda Randall, M.Ed., BCBA, began her teaching at a private residential school for children with autism and behavior disorders. There she carried out IEP goals and implemented behavior support plans to effectively decrease behaviors and increase independence. Amanda immediately became intrigued by the relationship between motivation and behavior. Amanda has served as a program coordinator for children services at an organization who provided after school services, day treatment and camps for students with various disabilities. From there Amanda moved to become the director for an adult community inclusion program. There Amanda was responsible for leading staff to implement behavior plans and individual support plans that would support adults in community settings such as college, jobs and volunteer opportunities. Prior to moving to Virginia, Amanda spent time as an Assistant Clinical Director for adult services and with public schools as an independent consultant to classroom teachers and families. Amanda has worked with interdisciplinary teams of service providers, psychiatrists, and other clinicians to structure comprehensive behavior and medical plans for adults and children with various disabilities.