VCU-RRTC Center on Transition Innovations

Expanding our reach in transition

Our team of experts is involved in various projects, both within CTI and through VCU's Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC). The work we conduct, as part of the RRTC, is relevant to CTI's mission, helps us to expand our offerings, and informs the resources we provide.

ACE-IT in College

VCU's ACE-IT in College is an inclusive higher education program for young adults with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities. With individualized support, students take part in VCU classes, campus activities, and paid employment.

For more information, visit the ACE-IT in College website.

Project Achieve

Project Achieve provides specialized services to women with TBI and SCI pursuing higher education or training. Specialized services include using Cognitive Support Technology through iPads and individualized apps, peer mentoring, individualized case management, vocational rehabilitation, and assistance with job placement and maintenance.

Funding for this project is provided by the Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Trust Fund.

Pre-ETS Peer Mentoring Capacity Building Project

The Pre-ETS Peer Mentoring Capacity Building Project's goal is to enhance peer mentoring to include the development and deployment of peer mentoring networks to deliver Pre-ETS to youth who are blind, vision impaired, or deafblind.

Funding for this project is provided by the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired.

Project College Success

Project College Success studies the mental health of Virginia community college students. Beginning in 2019, this project conducted focus groups and developed a statewide survey. Findings will be disseminated upon completion of the survey administration.

Funding for this project is provided by the ECMC Foundation, College Success Grant.

For resources and more information, visit the College Success webpage.

Project PEACE

Project PEACE, Promoting Employment After High School Through Community Expertise, focuses on enhancing collaborations across communities to maximize a seamless experience and enhance outcomes of youth with ID/DD as they transition between school and work.

Funding for this project is provided by VCU's Partnership for People with Disabilities' Project PEACE.

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