Data-driven transition planning

CTI is responsible for the Indicator #14 data collection process, providing assistance to school divisions in collecting outcome data on students with disabilities after leaving high school.

The data collected on students' enrollment in higher education, competitive employment or other post-secondary education or training is essential in helping school divisions throughout Virginia evaluate school experiences and plan for future programs and services.

CTI works with the VDOE to develop reports and assists in using data to inform and impact transition planning for students with disabilities.

Getting to Know Indicator 14

Indicator 14 Survey

Each year school divisions are responsible for conducting a survey of former students with disabilities one year after they exit from school. This survey is conducted as part of the federal requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Indicator 14 Survey

Instructions for Reporting on Indicator 14

Directions for collecting data regarding post-school outcomes for students with disabilities one year after they exited school.

Instructions for Reporting on Indicator 14

Contact Information

Complete the Contact Information Form, and return it to Marianne Moore (, Rebecca Ceja (, and Judy Averill ( This information is required prior to you receiving a letter with the survey submission data collection website address and the required login information.

Contact Information Form (MS Word)

Indicator 14 Question and Answer Sessions

April 16, 2024: Recorded Session

April 23, 2024: Recorded Session

Survey Definitions

Q: When in middle or high school, did the student participate in any of the following programs? (Check all that apply.)

  • Work-based learning: comprised of experiences related to students’ career interests (i.e. job shadowing, cooperative education, service learning, internship, etc.)
  • Discovery Process: a structured, formal team oriented person-centered assessment process which utilizes interviews and observations to document an individual’s strengths, interests, conditions for success and potential contributions. Discovery is most often the foundation of authentic Customized Employment.

Q: Since leaving high school, have you ever been enrolled in any of the following postsecondary education or training programs?

  • Adult/continuing education: systematic and sustained learning activities for changes in knowledge or skills.
  • Employer-based sponsored training (apprentice): training paid for or provided by the employer.
  • Peace Corps, VISTA or AmeriCorps: International or national service programs or volunteer programs to assist countries or communities to fight poverty, illiteracy, improve health services, create businesses, strengthen community groups, and much more.
  • Day support/prevocational program: offers training emphasizing acquisition of general work orientation and related skills.

Q: Describe the type of employment setting where you currently work or worked.

  • In a business, company, or service: working for pay in an organization (e.g. church, or other service-related organizations).
  • In supported employment: competitive employment in an integrated setting with ongoing support services for individuals with the most severe disabilities (includes enclaves at employment site).
  • Self-employed: someone who is the owner of a business, an individual who earns a living by working for himself/herself and not as an employee of someone else. An individual who is self-employed earns a living by running one of the following types of businesses: sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC).

Tips for Increasing Your District's Response Rate

It is imperative that the data used to make these decisions is accurate and reliable. One factor that can affect data reliability is response rate. Below are some tips for increasing your district's response rate.

Tip #1: Update student contact information.

Meet with students and families near the time the student graduates or exits to ensure you have the most updated and current contact information possible. Make it a practice to collect this information during the student's exit IEP meetings or meetings when the Summary of Performance is completed.

Tip #2: Use people who know the former students to make the contacts.

Students and their families may be reluctant to return calls or answer questions from a stranger even if that person works for your central office. Consider training case managers or instructional assistants to collect Indicator 14 data; they already have an established relationship with these former students and their families.

Tip #3: Determine the best time to make contacts.

Vary the time of day you attempt to make contacts. Too often, school personnel make their mandatory contacts during the day when most families are working.

Tip #4: Prior to closing files, designate one person to make a final contact.

Have one person responsible for making the final attempt to collect student data before a file is closed. In cases other than when the student is deceased or incarcerated, this would allow another person to review earlier attempts and make any needed adjustment to the method of collection. For example, upon review of a file, it is noted that school personnel made all three unsuccessful attempts before 5:00pm and thus make another attempt after 5:00pm.

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