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Archived Webcast Information

Karen Akom
Transition Planning with Court-Involved Youth
This webcast shares the work of the Transition and Court-Involved Youth project team at the Center on Transition Innovations. The team collected information from practitioners across the Commonwealth of Virginia and has developed resources and activities designed to meet the unique needs of youth with disabilities who are also court-involved. More information about this project can be found at https://centerontransition.org/projects/transitionandcourtinvolvedyouth.cfm.
Karen Akom is the Director of Field Operations for the Center on Transition Innovations. She holds a Doctor of Education (Ed. D) degree from the University of Virginia and has served students with disabilities in grades K-12 in Virginia and Arizona. As a Division-Level Special Education Administrator, she led efforts to provide outstanding transition services through district self-assessment, collaborative problem-solving, and expanding implementation of transition programs. In her role at CTI, Karen focuses on collaborative demonstration projects, professional development resources, and course development.