VCU-RRTC Center on Transition Innovations

Making connections to improve postsecondary outcomes

Transition planning is an essential part of preparing students for life after high school, but how can you develop an effective transition plan to improve student outcomes? Whether you've been working in the field for years or you are new to transition planning, this course offers an opportunity to gain knowledge around effective transition practices while connecting with others in the field.

In this facilitated course, you will learn practical applications from experts in the field, including how to navigate the transition assessment process and develop effective transition plans based on data and effective practices. We will also cover how to prepare students for postsecondary education and/or training, competitive employment and living, and participating in communities.

Featuring videos, engaging discussion, and high-quality resources, this course is free, accessible, and provides 45 recertification points if approved by your building administrator.

Lesson 1: Effective Transition Planning

In this introductory lesson, we survey the historical and legal underpinnings that gave rise to what transition is today, and explore the current state of affairs.

Lesson 2: Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment

Successful transition planning starts with good data. In this lesson, we delve into the use of age-appropriate transition assessments and supporting practices needed to facilitate a successful transition after high school.

Lesson 3: Competitive Employment

Getting students ready for employment is one of the primary objectives of transition planning. In this lesson, we explore ways to improve employment outcomes for students with disabilities by focusing on setting goals, offering students opportunities to learn valuable job skills, and using customized employment.

Lesson 4: Postsecondary Education and Training

Many students with disabilities choose to continue their education and training after high school. In this lesson, we focus on understanding the reasons why some students choose postsecondary education and training, the options available to them, the steps to planning for this process, and the strategies that will help you improve postsecondary education and training outcomes for your students.

Lesson 5: Living and Participating in Communities

Part of preparing students with disabilities for a successful life after high school includes equipping them with the skills they need to be more independent. In this lesson, we discuss what independent living is, how to plan for it, the role of self-determination, and the resources you need to support your students in becoming more self-sufficient.


Registration is open to the first 100 Virginia secondary educators and service providers who register.

Technical requirements

Participants need a computer with internet access and the ability to view PDFs and watch videos. CTI video lectures are captioned and have transcripts.

  • Cost: Free
  • Next Offering: To be determined Registration Opens: To be determined
  • Duration: 5 weeks
  • Lessons: 5
  • CRC Credits: 45 Credits Recertification Points: 45 Points
  • Pace: Facilitated
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