Archived Webcast Information

Photo of Julie McComas

Julie McComas

Photo of Dustin Clark

Dustin Clark


Presented By:
Julie McComas, Senior Associate, Griffin-Hammis

Dustin Clark
July 26, 2022

In this webcast, you will:

1. Identify three key points of Dustin's pathway to success

2. Identify any accommodations Dustin uses in his work as a telecommuter.

3. Reflect on how Dustin identified that telework was a good vocational fit for him.



Julie McComas, Senior Associate - Julie McComas has been providing individualized and customized support to people with disabilities since the early 1990s. Most recently, her work has included providing innovative direct support for job seekers and workers, as well as training and technical assistance to employers, providers, and government organizations. Julie’s background in public service includes extensive work in Social Security law and policy, along with leadership in vocational rehabilitation projects and programs. She has experience in microenterprise development, organizational change leadership, adult and transition education, person-centered planning, and customized long-term supports for work success.

Dustin Clark, Graphic Designer - My name is Dustin Clark, and I am a 28-year-old graphic designer living in Columbus, Ohio. I have a degree in Digital Design & Graphics from Columbus State Community College, and a degree in Visual Communication Design from OSU. I am currently working from home, helping out the design team at Muscular Dystrophy Association with a variety of projects. It's a great fit for me, since I myself have Becker Muscular Dystrophy. I've always wanted to use my design skills to project messages I believe in, and bringing attention to MDA is a great example of just that!

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