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Photo of Steve Hall

Steve Hall

The Discovery Fidelity Scale

Presented By:
Steve Hall, Ph.D., Director of Employment Policy and Research, Griffin-Hammis Associates
May 22, 2019

The Discovery Fidelity Scale (DFS) was created to improve the quality of Discovery, the initial process of Customized Employment.  The DFS has both Systems and Services tenets from a consensus of experts and experienced practitioners of Discovery and Customized Employment.  Tenets include:  Authorization and Access, Financing, and Discovery Providers Systems Tenets. Home and Area Visits, Discovery Activities, Informational Interviews, Vocational Profile Narrative Review, and the Employment Plan are the Services Tenets.

Research on the development of the DFS has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. The reliability and validity of the DFS is being further improved through field implementation in California and Utah during 2018 and 2019, and in additional States during 2019.  A Job Development Fidelity Scale (JDFS) is being developed at this time to improve the quality of Customized Job Development for persons with significant disabilities.


Stephen Hall Ph.D. is the Director of Employment Policy and Research with Griffin-Hammis Associates. Stephen has a Ph.D. in Disability Policy and Adult Education from the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Supported Employment and Workplace Supports at Virginia Commonwealth University. Stephen has strong relationships with state and federal government leaders, universities, and provider and advocacy organizations. He is a former Commissioner of Behavioral Health, State Director of Developmental Disabilities, and CEO of two Community Provider Organizations. Dr. Hall was a Subject Matter Expert with the Office of Disability and Employment Policy. He was a member of the National Association of Developmental Disabilities Directors, President-elect, and Chair of the Research Committee for seven years.

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