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James Krause
Employment Outcomes after Multiple Sclerosis: Findings Among Participants Identified through Clinical Service Setting
Our purpose is to identify employment outcomes after multiple sclerosis (MS) at diagnosis, three months post diagnosis, and one year post diagnosis, among a cohort of participants who have been identified through a specialty hospital in the Southeastern United States. We summarize outcomes among over 700 participants. We will also identify factors related to employment, including demographic and disability characteristics. The implications for stakeholders, vocational counselors, and policymakers will be identified.
Presenter: James Krause, Ph.D., is a Professor and Associate Dean for Research in the College of Health Professions (CHP) at MUSC. He is Director of three NIDILRR funded center grants, including the Center on Health Outcomes Research and Capacity Building for Underserved Populations with SCI and TBI, an RRTC on Secondary Conditions in Individuals with SCI, and Successful Employment and Quality Work Life after Severe Disability due to SCI. Dr. Krause has authored 157 articles in peer-reviewed journals (104 as first author). Nearly a quarter of his publications have focused on employment, vocational interests, and socioeconomic outcomes after neurologic injury. He has received several prestigious research awards since 2007, including the American Spinal Injury Association Research Award (2007), which was awarded for a manuscript focused on disparities in earnings after SCI, NARRTC Research Awards (2008, 2011),Patricia McCollom Memorial Research Award from the Foundation for Life Care Planning (2008), the Apple Award from the American Spinal Injury Association (2009), and the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association Research Award (2010), which was conferred for a manuscript examining the effects of pre- and post-injury education on obtaining employment. Dr. Krause, who has tetraplegia of 40 years, was inducted into the SCI Hall of Fame by the National SCI Association in 2008 and received the National Medtronic Courage Award in 2011, the first time it has been awarded to someone in biomedical or rehabilitation research (previous awardees include Sen. Bob Dole, Sen. Max Cleland, Christopher Reeves, Stephen Hawking, Ed Roberts, and Judith Heumann). Most recently, he received the Distinguished Service Award from NARRTC, an award previously made to Sen. Tom Harkin and Sen. Bob Dole. Dr. Krause and the research team are particularly proud of these last two awards as they represent external acknowledgment of the importance of our work to the lives of people with disabling conditions.