Archived Webcast Information

Photo of Elizabeth Getzel, M.A.

Elizabeth Getzel, M.A.

In Their Own Words: The Career Planning Experiences of College Students with ASD

Presented By:
Elizabeth Getzel, M.A., M.A., VCU-RRTC
February 10, 2015

This webcast will provide results of a study on the career planning experiences and overall college experiences of students on the Autism Spectrum.  Structured interviews were conducted with college students with ASD attending community colleges and/or state universities in Virginia.  Seven emerging themes based on students’ knowledge of, and participation in, career related services and supports will be described.  

Bio: Elizabeth Evans Getzel is the Director of the Center on Transition Innovations (CTI) at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Rehabilitation Research & Training Center. The CTI is the centralized portal for information and resources on youth transition for the state of Virginia.  She currently is responsible for overseeing the data collection for the federal transition requirement (Indicator #14) which is a post school follow-up survey conducted on school leavers in the areas of employment, postsecondary training and higher education. In her role, she conducts data analyses and develops reports for the state on this outcome data.  Ms. Getzel also directs projects on supported education in postsecondary education for college students with disabilities; collaborative career planning for college students with autism; supported education for veterans with TBI and SCI in college; Project SEARCH for youth with ID/DD (employer-based internship program) and Start on Success (employer based internship program) for youth with LD, ED, and OHI. She has authored or co-authored journal articles and book chapters on transition, career development, postsecondary education, and employment and is the co-editor of the book Going to College: Expanding Opportunities for People with Disabilities.

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