VCU-RRTC Center on Transition Innovations

Archived Webcast Information

Photo of Mylene Padolina

Mylene Padolina

Photo of Gary Moulton

Gary Moulton

Photo of Ellen Meyer

Ellen Meyer

Technology in the Workplace

Presented By:
Mylene Padolina, Microsoft Corp.

Gary Moulton

Ellen Meyer
June 23, 2003

Accessible technology in today's business provides solutions to recruiting and retaining the best employees. Learn how to develop an accessible technology plan which includes strategies, needs analysis, purchasing criteria, training, and rollout. Find out what options are available and which technology solutions are right for you and your company. This webcast will explore practical tools and best practices of technology in the workplace to enhance the way everyone in your organization communicates, collaborates, and contributes. Mylene Podolina currently serves as a Diversity Consultant with Microsoft Corporation. In her role, she is responsible for disability integration programs and youth outreach programs. Prior to her current position at Microsoft, Ms. Padolina worked in the wireless telecommunications industry for over 10 years, first with Ameritech and then with AT&T Wireless Services. She fulfilled roles in staffing/recruitment, college relations, diversity, equal employment opportunity, affirmative action and employee relations. Ms. Padolina has a Bachelors Degree from DePaul University. She has served on various boards including Washington MESA (Math Engineering Science Achievement), Washington State Business Leadership Network, Washington State Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities, Project Equality of Illinois and the National Association of Older Worker Employment Services (NAOWES). Gary Moulton is the assistive technology relations product manager. Gary is responsible for coordinating Microsoft's marketing efforts with assistive technology manufacturers, and he is the manager of Microsoft's Assistive Technology Vendor Program (MATvp). He is co-author of Accessible Technology in Today's Business: Case Studies for Success (MSPress 2002). Prior to working for Microsoft he was Manager of Disability Solutions at Apple Computer, Inc. Gary was trained as a clinician and has worked for children and adults with disabilities. He taught child growth and development at the undergraduate and graduate level. Gary has his doctorates in education and business administration. Ellen Meyer is the Sr. Ergonomics Consultant and is involved with all aspects of Microsoft's ergonomics program including 1:1 ergonomics evaluations, web information resources, workplace accommodations that often or sometimes may include assistive technology, and regulatory compliance. Most recently, Ellen has initiated a collaborative partnership with Microsoft's Accessibility Lab and Ergonomics Team to generate a central resource for both customized ergonomics and assistive technology solutions.Prior to her work for Microsoft, Ellen managed the worldwide ergonomics program for Digital Equipment Corporation. She has over 20 years experience as a Certified Occupational Health Nurse, has a Masters in Nursing, and is also a Family Nurse Practitioner.

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