VCU-RRTC Center on Transition Innovations

Project College Success

The goal of Project College Success was to collect and disseminate data that will increase knowledge of and practices for reducing mental health barriers to students who transfer from a community college to a four-year college or university. Through a grant from ECMC Foundation, project staff surveyed Virginia students who transferred from two-year colleges to four-year colleges and universities to collect information on the barriers and facilitators to obtaining the services and supports needed during this process of entering a new educational environment.


Mental Health, College Transfer Students, and Project College Success

Part 1

In this webcast, Jan Shea and Christine Groah discuss Project College Success. The presenters review research on college student mental health, discuss themes identified through focus groups, and share components of a survey that was administered with transfer students in Virginia.

Part Two: Mental Health, College Transfer Students and Project College Success

Part 2

In this webcast, Susan McKelvey provides a brief review of research on college student mental health and the themes identified through community college student focus groups and community college administrator interviews, then shares the results of the survey that was administered to students who transferred from a community college to a 4-year college/university in Virginia.

Identifying the Experiences of Two-Year College Students Seeking Mental Health Support: Final Report

Administrator's Guide

College Success Survey

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